Portlandia, the sketch-comedy series on IFC and Netflix, takes a poke at life like no one has before. Trust me; you haven’t seen a show like it.
Fred Armisen and Carrie Brownstein star as a multitude of characters, recurring and not, in fast-pace sketches snapshotting the quirkiness of Portland, Oregon as perfect as can be. From long-haired librarians to punk bicyclists, light bulb manufacturers, or just a variety of odd couples, Armisen and Brownstein bottle the funk of Portland in its pristine essence. “Keep Portland Weird!” is a common expression used in the town, and the TV show is no exception.
Viewers from the west side of the United States or even viewers that have just visited Portland appreciate the bold humor and how closely accurate it is to the commoners of Portland, but awkward, quirky, or flat-out strange people are everywhere, so viewers across the seas and not can relate to the cackling oddities of the characters portrayed so well.
I get lost in the show. The bizarre characters are straddled by the two comedic geniuses in such a way that even the fact that they are characters can be forgotten.
Each episode embraces seemingly random sketches stapled into one quickly-flowing show that always seems to form a plot no matter how out-there the creators take it, and it is always a fun watch.
Season four comes early 2014, and I can’t wait for more awkward, quirky, silly, or flat-out memorable moments from the show. Keep Portland weird!
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