Exclusive: Britain's lost passports
Tuesday, April 26, 2011 at 9:28PM
Dan Farrimond in Exclusives, Passports, United Kingdom, humour

According to the UK’s Identity and Passport Service, more than 10,000 passports a year are ‘thrown out with rubbish’, it has been reported. Thanks to leaked documents found in a skip round the back of the IPS offices, we can now exclusively reveal the destination of Britain’s other missing passports.

The following list comes complete with a disclaimer that some people are just plain stupid, quite possibly leaving the United Kingdom an international laughing stock. Certain government decisions, however, already achieved this long ago, so we have no qualms reprinting the document verbatim.

--- Document Starts ---

To: Identity and Passport Service

Subject: Destinations of lost passports 2010-11

*Highly Classified – burn after reading*†

*The preceding information is for the attention of IPS officials only. If you are not an employee of the Identity and Passport Service, please erase your memory and/or report to your nearest police station for reconditioning.*

--- Document Ends ---

This just in: the UK Identity and Passport Service have responded to this article, stating they will ‘relocate their waste disposal area to the first floor of their office in the interests of national security’. I bet they wish they’d just invested in a shredder.

† Please refrain from burning your computer monitor, as there is absolutely no danger of the IPS tracking your internet activity.

Passport image: Edward Hands (CCASA2.5). 


Article originally appeared on The Simpleton (http://www.thesimpleton.com.au/).
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