Here? Hair?
At Donald Trump’s behest, Barack Obama has finally shown us the certificate, the one that verifies the fact that he was indeed born in Hawaii, one of the United States, and not some terrorist haven of a country, a possibility that Trump was no doubt worried about. It’s nice to know that in a topsy-turvy, uncertain world, some things remain the same as always: rich folks can still get whatever they want, even from the president himself.
Trump told a press conference the other day that he himself has been asked to produce his birth certificate on numerous occasions, and that on such occasions he produced it within a couple of days. What a load of shit! Who’s asking one of the richest men in America for his credentials? Who would dare challenge a man who has the power to challenge the president? In Trump’s questionable statement we see once again a frustrating trend: the trend of commentators trying to place themselves on the battlefield of the issue, when this is clearly not the case. It’s the same as when someone who opposes gay marriage qualifies their views by adding, “I have gay acquaintances,” or when someone who opposes abortion says, “I had a friend who went through that, and it was awful, I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.” This pretence to experience is underhanded at best, especially when it’s used as leverage for positing questionable views.
In general, tactics like Trump’s are an attempt to conceal the politics that drive every public action they partake in. It’s impossible to imagine Trump demanding the birth certificate of George Dubya, or any other pro-lifer for that matter. Without making serious accusations here, do you really think Trump would have asked any white man for his birth credentials? It seems unlikely.
All of this politicizing takes away from the core issue at hand, here: the origins of Donald Trump’s “hair”. Why is that rat on his head (see the above picture) not in the fore of public discussion? If we’re all questioning each other, it’s time for this important issue to be addressed. So how ‘bout it Don? Can you show us a receipt?
Reader Comments (1)
Well said, my sentiments exactly. If this incredibly stupid bigot is seriously thinking about running for the presidency he's demonstated one thing and one thing only! His judgement is piss poor, he was wrong about Obama's place of birth and wrong to suggest that Obama did not have the right to be president. I think the American public are smart enough to realize that if this man ever became president, not only could they never rely on his judgement but he's also stupid enough to draw as much attention as he possibly can to his mistakes and bigotry. Obama on the other hand, has remained every bit the statesman that we expect from a president, whereas Trump, as his name suggests, is nothing more than a wealthy stupid old fart!