After seeing the great reviews one of my high school acquaintance-cum-Facebook-friend was getting for his "tribute" video to Rebecca Black's "Friday" music video, I had to see what it was all about.
After seeing the great reviews one of my high school acquaintance-cum-Facebook-friend was getting for his "tribute" video to Rebecca Black's "Friday" music video, I had to see what it was all about.
According to the Gallup Foundation, only 44% of Americans believe that today's youth will have a better life than that of their parents, an all-time low reading that causes a rethink on the American dream.
This is the fourth VCE Arts camp I’ve attended since my student teacher days in 2006 and each time I attend I am reminded how faithful Drama students are to their teachers. Where once stood self-conscious teens, in their place are now focused, dedicated young actors. Where once one would pull a face at the suggestion of having to crawl across a room uninhibited, a student drags themselves across the room on all fours, their face stony and eyes sharp.
We enjoy many of the freedoms we have in this country today because of the sacrifices of our armed services, which means that people like Wallace can make offensive and ill informed comments and people like me can refer to him as a dip shit for doing so.
Many lament the decline of the traditional Easter, claiming the spirit of the Holiday is lost in a sea of commercialisation which sees chocolate eggs in supermarkets as early as December. Personally, I have turned a blind eye to this on most occasions. Because I’m a bit of a cheapskate, people expect not to receive an Easter gift as I’ve usually spent all my money on their Christmas present, so guilt isn’t an issue. It’s not all about Crème Eggs and hot cross buns, after all.